Try these hamburger patties, seasoned with a homemade Jamaican jerk spice mixture of Scotch bonnet peppers, allspice, thyme, cinnamon, nutmeg, green onions, and garlic! Scotch bonnets, or their habanero cousins, are insanely hot, so you don’t really need much, half a 1 1/2-inch long pepper, seeds removed. Some people substitute jalapeños, but the flavor really is different, so I would stick to Scotch bonnets or habaneros if you can get them. Cool off the chili heat with a citrus, mayo-based coleslaw. The oil in the mayo helps to absorb the spicy chili, to take the edge of the heat.

2 cups shredded cabbage 1/4 cup red onion, chopped Pinch chopped thyme 3 tablespoons mayonnaise 2 tablespoons orange juice or lime juice (if using lime juice add a teaspoon of sugar) 1 teaspoon grated orange zest (or lime zest) Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

If you do not have a food processor, finely mince the chili, garlic, and green onion. Mix ingredients together in a bowl. Shape into patties, about 1/2 inch thick and wider than the diameter of your hamburger bun.